Legacy Gifts
By remembering the Foundation for Portland Public Schools in your will or trust, you will make a lasting and permanent impact on students in Portland. Donor advised funds can also be designated to FPPS. With your legacy gift, you will inspire others and help ensure FPPS’s ability to address unmet needs of the Portland Public Schools and to increase educational opportunities, achievement, and equity for all PPS students and staff.
FPPS welcomes the opportunity to consult with you and your attorney or financial advisor about your charitable goals.
To make a legacy gift, you simply need to notify FPPS of your intention. All conversations are confidential and gifts of any size are gladly accepted. Please contact us today for more information:
Andrea Weisman Summers, Executive Director
Foundation for Portland Public Schools
353 Cumberland Ave.
Portland, ME 04101
[email protected]
You may also consider sharing this language with your attorney to assist in drafting your estate plan: “I give and bequeath _____ [% of estate, $ amount, or description of property] to the Foundation for Portland Public Schools, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation with its principal office in Portland, Maine, for its unrestricted use.” We would like to acknowledge your extraordinary support in whatever way is meaningful to you. If you choose to remain anonymous, you have our sincerest thanks for your uncommon commitment to the Portland Public Schools.
FPPS is incorporated by the State of Maine and is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a §501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation and not a private foundation. Our EIN is 22-3179378 (see our 501(c)3 Affirmation Letter).

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